TV Interviews

Whiteboard Wednesday 6
Whiteboard Wednesday 6

Amber Kennoy: [00:00:03] Thanks for staying with us here on Everyday Kentucky. I’m Amber Kennoy. And it is Whiteboard Wednesday with Jamie over at Synergy. So spring allergies, we all have them. And if you live in Kentucky, you’re pretty much have them. Jamie, I’ve heard that like the actual air inside your home, though,…

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Whiteboard Wednesday 7
Whiteboard Wednesday 7

Amber Kennoy: [00:00:03] Hey, everyone. Amber Kennoy here once again for Everyday Kentucky with Jamie over at Synergy for Whiteboard Wednesday. So last time we talked a lot about getting that home just as tight as we can. What’s next? Jamie Clark: [00:00:13] So once we’ve got it nice and tight, now we want to control…

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Whiteboard Wednesday 8
Whiteboard Wednesday 8

Amber Kennoy: [00:00:03] It is Whiteboard Wednesday once again with Jamie over at Synergy. And it’s about that time where people are really having to make that transition from the heating to cooling. And a lot of people find out that their system’s just not keeping up. So if they are in the market for…

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Whiteboard Wednesday 9
Whiteboard Wednesday 9

Amber Kennoy: [00:00:02] Hi, everyone. Amber Kennoy here and for Everyday Kentucky today Whiteboard Wednesday we’re taking a little field trip so Synergy Home. Jamie, first of all, what in the world is going on here? I’ve seen a lot of things. I have never seen an outdoor unit covered in insulation. Jamie Clark: [00:00:20] Well,…

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Whiteboard Wednesday 10
Whiteboard Wednesday 10

Amber Kennoy: [00:00:02] Well for Whiteboard Wednesday we are field tripping it again with Jamie Clark of Synergy Home. So talking about this right here as we go into spring. Jamie Clark: [00:00:11] So last week we talked about how important it was to keep your outdoor unit, but that’s only half the equation. The indoor…

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Whiteboard Wednesday 11
Whiteboard Wednesday 11

Amber Kennoy: [00:00:03] Thanks for keeping it here on Everyday Kentucky. Amber Kennoy with Jamie Clark of Synergy Home back for Whiteboard Wednesday field trip style. So this is that time of year is temperatures are ramping up that you get a lot of calls how can we help ourselves keep having to make those…

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